Phil Stern is the author of both Contemporary and Science Fiction.
His debut novel, The Bull Years, was published in 2011. A hard-hitting commentary on both the frustrations and ultimate validation of modern-day life, The Bull Years follows the lives of four people throughout the late 80′s, 90′s, and into the 21st century, directly addressing the gradual alienation and disconnection often experienced during young adulthood.
"I wanted to write about characters everyone could relate to," Stern says. "We've all had our ups and downs. I think people sometimes feel everyone else has experienced more success than they have, or are more firmly grounded in our world than they could ever be. My hope is that everyone will recognize a little part of themselves in Steve, Sophia, Dave, and Brooke."
His debut novel, The Bull Years, was published in 2011. A hard-hitting commentary on both the frustrations and ultimate validation of modern-day life, The Bull Years follows the lives of four people throughout the late 80′s, 90′s, and into the 21st century, directly addressing the gradual alienation and disconnection often experienced during young adulthood.
"I wanted to write about characters everyone could relate to," Stern says. "We've all had our ups and downs. I think people sometimes feel everyone else has experienced more success than they have, or are more firmly grounded in our world than they could ever be. My hope is that everyone will recognize a little part of themselves in Steve, Sophia, Dave, and Brooke."
1. What inspires you as a writer?
It’s something I’ve always been driven to do. I think it’s how I channel the fantasies and frustrations I experience in my own life.
2. When did you have that ah ha moment when you knew you were a writer?
I’ve always known I wanted to be a writer. That ah ha moment may have come, however, when I put The Bull Years up on Kindle.
3. What is your writing process?
I always write in the morning. If you don’t write first thing, you kind of lose it.
4. Tell us about your favorite character and why you chose to write about them?
I love all my characters in different ways. That having been said, Steve Levine, from The Bull Years, may closely reflect how I’ve felt at various times.
5. What are you currently working on?
I have some more science fiction that will be coming out soon, Escape and Reylar.
8. Do you have any advice for new writers and something that a seasoned vet can learn?
It takes time. You have to get your stuff out there, get reviews, spread the word. Fame and fortune don’t happen overnight, but they can happen.
9. Where can your followers find you?
My website at
Also Twitter at @philstern100
Thank you so much for stopping by! From the look inside feature on Amazon this is a great read!